Posted by lorenzo Sunday, October 02, 2016 5:00:00 AM


Sunday, April 09, 2017 8:05:04 PM

Your article was exl

Your article was exlcelent and erudite.
Friday, April 14, 2017 6:54:39 AM

I just found this si

I just found this site and I love it!!I applaud Arizona for all it’s efforts to bring a modicum of sanity to this country.I see that Gov. Brewer has the cajones of a Reagan or Netanyahu!!
Friday, April 14, 2017 7:06:02 AM


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Friday, April 14, 2017 7:38:28 AM

I totally understand

I totally understand how you feel.. I think it’s one of the reason I failed so badly at breastfeeding this time around!! It does get better an easier though… Especially around this time with the kiddos start playing together! It’s becoming easier and easier to play with BOTH at the same time!
Friday, April 14, 2017 7:44:09 AM

Just because you can

Just because you can’t think straight to figure out the Math doesn’t mean you should trust someone else’s Math. Took blocks from 2 1/4″ to 2 1/2 so should have left the charm block alone rather than cutting it down to 4 1/2″. Not huge but do need to find more fabric to fix it.
Friday, April 14, 2017 7:57:18 AM

selamat hari guru br

selamat hari guru bro….bro tak nak jadi guru ker ??? guru blog katakan hehehehishak yushi rain recently posted..VA:F [1.9.22_1171]please wait...VA:F [1.9.22_1171](from 0 votes)
Friday, April 14, 2017 10:07:10 AM

Created the greatest

Created the greatest articles, you have.
Friday, April 14, 2017 11:20:36 AM

the citizenship of P

the citizenship of President Obama's father is IRRELEVANT."This was a state case not a Federal case, sorry loser. Maybe Soetero is eligible in Indiana until someone appeals.
Friday, April 14, 2017 12:18:47 PM

et dieu merci…

et dieu merci….je ne souhaite qu’une chose c’est que Parker et Noah se fassent l’écho de notre coup de gueule dans votre émission…votre article est du foutage de gueule…
Friday, April 14, 2017 12:58:40 PM

I can only echo the

I can only echo the frustration of those who've posted above me...my site was hacked...I've fixed the probelm within 24 hours...why does it take weeks for google to restore my status and remove the warnings?I'm losing money daily!!! Please help mitigate my damages...don't delay. It's unfair when you're a small business trying to operate an ethical business.Tammywww.tlddesigns.com
Friday, April 14, 2017 2:14:04 PM

Bila saya ingin meme

Bila saya ingin memesan & membeli LM 50 gr, dgn tulisan tertentu, apakah bisa? Dimana saya dpt memesannya? Apakah harganya akan sama dgn LM 50 gr yg biasa diperjual belikan PT. Antam? terima kasih.
Friday, April 14, 2017 3:06:27 PM

You look so cuddly r

You look so cuddly right now ;)I really like the colour of that coat, very extraordinary! I've never seen anyone where a coat like this before! Love,Anne from
Friday, April 14, 2017 3:47:39 PM

rozumiem ,ze jest ic

rozumiem ,ze jest ich dwoch-jeden umie czytac a drugi pisac, jak w tym zarcie.Tragedia polega na tym ,ze tacy jak ci komentatorzy ksztaltuja poziom dziennikarstwa-plotka ,sensacja.jedna pani drugiej pani powidziala ,ale nie maja umiejetnosci analitycznego myslenia ,znajomosci historii,ekonomii ,polityki tylko rzucaja takie tytuly jak kawalki smierdzacego miesa a ich krol prymitywizmu ,niejako Kolonko Max( ale mini intelektu/ ma relacjonowac wybory prezydenckie USA,To prawdziwe nieporozumienie!
Friday, April 14, 2017 6:26:31 PM

superschattig, en id

superschattig, en idd handige jurkjes. Pirouette heeft ze vaak (lees: die van jou = even geslaagd) Bij deze mijn vraag, uit welke knippie komt het patroon, deze komt nl op mijn to doe lijst...Ik heb ook pas zo'n zalig jurkje gevonden in de laatste burda special voor kinderen, maar dat is een model zonder mouwen.
Friday, April 14, 2017 8:11:40 PM

Manfred Von Richthof

Manfred Von Richthofen disse:Engano seu, Paulo. Os combates aéreos na WWI foram muito intensos. Eram carnificina pura em aviões rudimentares, é só ver o número de aviões abatidos e a quantidade de pilotos mortos. Pena que pouca gente lê sobre o assunto.
Friday, April 14, 2017 8:25:33 PM

Thank anyone for inv

Thank anyone for investing in this possibility to talk about this, I feel firmly about it and we also enjoy studying this kind of subject. Whenever possible, when anyone acquire specifics, you must increase this website with fresh new information. We found that extremely useful.
Friday, April 14, 2017 8:48:08 PM

N̦ Рmit Herz

Nö – mit Herzblatt hat das nun gar nichts am Hut!Magst du Glen More – dann wirst du auch Helvetia mögen.Magst du Glen More nicht – dann finde heraus, was an Helvetia alles anders ist – ganz bestimmt aber das Spielgefühl.Auch wenn ich das Spiel erst vom Regellesen her kenne, bin ich überzeugt, dass auch diesmal Matthias Cramer ein tolles Spiel gelungen ist!
Friday, April 14, 2017 10:19:43 PM

Here's why it&#3

Here's why it's going to get worse. Yesterday, Herman Van Rompuy, the 'President' of Europe, was handed another two years in power, unelected, of course (what? You think he'd have to be elected? Don't be dumb) Here's what the Marxist toe-rag had to say:"All national parliaments have become, in a way, European institutions".And that's the idea. Thanks for that...
Friday, April 14, 2017 11:01:10 PM

When you come in hal

When you come in half-cocked and sputtering nonsense about me being a bigot, you pretty much lose any pretense to hurt feelings.I’m not really following this thread, as Christmas is apparantly my season for disinterest in blogging. But why would calling someone a bigot disallow hurt feelings? That’s illogical.
Friday, April 14, 2017 11:24:20 PM

there is only one th

there is only one thing i find anyoying. the comments. it would be better if as soon as you start watching the video the comments are showing and the post a comment box is already there
Saturday, April 15, 2017 1:49:54 AM

caro toscano, son co

caro toscano, son contento che hai letto il mio post.Cmq era fra il serio e faceto, credo che si capiva.(ma il testo del commento INVIATO al sito del figaro è davvero quello che ho trascritto)Quanto alla finzione(!) scenica(!)che venivo improvvisamente raggiunto dai framassoni d’oltralpela colpa è di umberto eco!Lui ha scritto quel libro!(di mio l’ho solo letto, con l’attenuante che avevo solo 17 anni)
Saturday, April 15, 2017 1:56:36 AM

"I feel like it

"I feel like it's kind of reverse sexism …" Please don't use that expression, it's nonsensical and a right-wing dog whistle. There is only sexism, which encompasses stereotypes of both male and female behaviour.
Saturday, April 15, 2017 4:13:23 AM

Baby due in early Ju

Baby due in early June and my husband just fractured his hand & may need surgery I would love to win a top quality gorgeous bag to flaunt around the place because it looks like I am going to be doing most of the carrying in the early days!
Saturday, April 15, 2017 7:18:45 AM

Presidential electio

Presidential elections are approaching within a fortnight and Zardari is heard to be a candidate for President of Pakistan. But how can a HYPOCRITE who can’t fulfill his words apply for such a sensitive seat. The recent bomb blasts are a reaction for failing to fulfill his commitment of restoration of Judiciary within 24 hrs of Musharraf’s resignation. Musharraf resigned 96 hrs back but Zardari fails to act as per his commitment. His community has been rejected in the form of Musharraf.
Saturday, April 15, 2017 12:21:10 PM

fromq8 قال:

fromq8 قال:بأذن الله سأشتري هاتف نوكيا لوميا 920 ولكني بحق سأفتقد للأندرويد وربما اعود إليه سريعا بسبب تعلقي فيه منذ ثلاث سنوات . ومع سلسلة جالاكسي 1 – 2 – 3 .اما بخصوص الاي فون فهو اخر خيار لي وذلك لاني املك أيباد 2 وهو ممل على الرغم من سلاسته واستقراره .
Saturday, April 15, 2017 3:25:49 PM


КостянтинРазговариваю в основном на русском, но в кинотеатр хожу исключительно на фильмы с украинским дубляжом. Фильмы с русской озвучкой я могу и дома посмотреть.Однозначно нужно бойкотировать такие кинопоказы.
Saturday, April 15, 2017 4:59:48 PM

Your article about '

Your article about 'the viewpoint of Korea to Dok-do' is not the exact viewpoint of Korea at all. You are cheatting people who visit your blog.You know there is not bamboo in that island. Japanese call Dok-do as dakesima(竹島) because of lack of their pronunciation Dok-do. Dok-do(獨島) means isolated island. You better to make an apology to people.If not, You will get troubles.
Saturday, April 15, 2017 8:09:57 PM

Hi,Nice blog. I&#821

Hi,Nice blog. I’m 46 and like catching bigger fish. I’m trying the River Soar near Sutton Bonnington the autum and winter most weekends for a few hours to about 11pm.I had nice Chub to 4 1/5 lb on cream boilies and luncheon meat and running rig near a canal mouth. Ideas? It’s deep about 10 feet and very slow and dark Simon
Saturday, April 15, 2017 11:30:17 PM

No matter what if he

No matter what if he is signed it is a definite sign of either redden being demoted or rosi or drury being traded witht he latter almost definitely not hapening so either rosi or redden gone which I'm all for and at most 3.85 mil a year
Sunday, April 16, 2017 2:18:26 AM

, there is no true s

, there is no true story, we don't care about the characters. The only way to reasonably achieve the effect that they gave us, was to have a regular person record what was going down as it was going down. Knocking a movie for making people sick is like saying a roller coaster is too intense, or music is too loud. Get over it.
Sunday, April 16, 2017 2:56:26 PM

Thanks for writing s

Thanks for writing such an easy-to-understand article on this topic.
Sunday, April 16, 2017 3:35:25 PM

3) Have you attended

3) Have you attended a networking event and left with nothing more than a handful of business cards? Learn how following up can build your professional network in this post.
Sunday, April 16, 2017 4:45:04 PM

One of the cool thin

One of the cool things about Google+ is all of the little things they continue to add to the service.  Today is a great example of that, especially for those of you that like to use hashtags.
Sunday, April 16, 2017 5:03:40 PM

Sorry for my English

Sorry for my English.Normally I do not learn article on blogs, but I would like to say that this write-up very compelled me to check out and do it! Your writing style has been amazed me. Thanks, very great article.
Sunday, April 16, 2017 7:53:13 PM

consTruit => déj

consTruit => déjà l’épuisement et absolument ailleurs qu’aux éitions de « Lartéguy, même si cela-le déplacement aux U.S.A. ne m’apparaît pas « secondaire » dans le paysage culturel; n’est-ce pas au contraire une tradition assez française qu’y sont « vraiment » reconnus les gens qui ont déjà reçu l’onction de « créateurs » à l’étranger ?
Sunday, April 16, 2017 8:18:03 PM

People have been ask

People have been asking if I'll share my trip on the blog. I'm wondering if readers are still interested in my travels this being a craft blog and all? Do you want to see my Japan pics?vote yes or no!
Sunday, April 16, 2017 9:27:32 PM

Ei, hola a todos!En

Ei, hola a todos!En un tiempo en el que los cantantes y artistas no dejan de quejarse de cuanto les está perjudicando internet, me parece muy bien que estos chicos sepan sacarle el visto bueno a esta situación y aprovechen sus ventajas. Hoy en día está muy difícil conseguir triunfar en el mundo de la música y, gracias a internet, este grupo musical a conseguido sacar adelante su sueño.Estoy seguro que cada vez se conoceran más grupos y artistas musicales gracias a la gran red de la comunicación.Weno, que vaya bien.
Sunday, April 16, 2017 11:53:07 PM

JanelleI love that y

JanelleI love that your husband was willing to suspend his academic pursuits so that you could continue going to school, and graduate. Your husband sets a good example of how faithful LDS men value family and their wives especially. Thank you for sharing the support you felt from the Lord in doing hard things.
Monday, April 17, 2017 3:06:30 AM

disse:Caro Arlindo,G

disse:Caro Arlindo,Gostei muito da dica do Pingdom tools, não tinha ainda este conhecimento.Tive resultado de: 3,74s sendo mais rápido que 42% dos sites testados ali.O que você acha deste número? Ainda não tenho parâmetros pra compreender melhor?Paz, saúde e sucesso.Até breve.
Monday, April 17, 2017 3:53:54 AM

Saya hanya ingin men

Saya hanya ingin menanyakan tentang BB 8320 saya. Aplikasi yang terinstal selain OS adalah Facebook dan IM+, tetapi kenapa pada storage di MyWorld saya memory penuh(0Mb dari 64Mb),saya sudah pake bbmeter,dan bagaimana caranya agar BB 8320 saya tidak lemod. Mohon arahannya.Matur Suwun.
Monday, April 17, 2017 3:59:32 AM

The genius store cal

The genius store called, they're running out of you.
Monday, April 17, 2017 10:23:09 AM

IZ: I enjoy reading

IZ: I enjoy reading your blog and no offense, but... your opinions on some recent movies (e.g., Spiderman 3 and the latest Harry Potter movie) are so ... uh ... backwards that I'm going to have to take them the other way around. (IZ's bored with it? It must be a good movie then. ;) )
Monday, April 17, 2017 11:20:52 AM

TYVM you've solved a

TYVM you've solved all my problems
Thursday, July 13, 2017 4:47:30 AM
Friday, September 08, 2017 7:36:42 AM


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